Source: Princeton University Name: Princeton Global PDSI Period: Jan-1948 - Dec-2008 Times: monthly Coverage: Global Resolution: 1.0-degree Grid: Latitude-longitude Type: Observational-Reanalysis hybrid driven PDSI Related Sites: Publications: Sheffield, J., G. Goteti, and E. F. Wood, Development of a 50-yr high-resolution global dataset of meteorological forcings for land surface modeling, J. Climate, 19 (13), 3088-3111. Sheffield, J., E. F. Wood, and M. L. Roderick, 2012: Little change in global drought over the past 60 years. Nature, 491, 435–438. doi:10.1038/nature11575. Variables: PDSI Potential Evaporation Formats: NetCDF History: Original data Volume: monthly: 181 MB/variable Date Created: Jul 26 14:37:43 EDT 2013 Change Log: 4) Jul 26 2013 Initial versions of the PDSI datasets uploaded. There are two types of PDSI (original and self-calibrating (sc)), two versions of the algorithm for PE (Thornthwaite and Penman-Monteith) and four versions of the precipitation forcing (CPC, CRU, GPCC, Willmott). 3) Mar 27 2013 Both PE datasets updated to correct for minor bugs in the humidity inputs in isolated grid cells and to correct for a data input problem for the version of PE based on empirical radiation. Ignore previous versions. 2) Mar 18 2013 PE data uploaded. Two versions are available depending on the source of the shortwave and longwave radiation: 1) using the updated PGF (Sheffield et al., 2006) radiation data which is based on a merged and corrected NCEP-NCAR reanalysis and SRB dataset. 2) using an empirical (based on humidity, cloud cover) estimate of radiation (Sheffield et al., 2012). 1) Jan 14 2013 Initial version of PE data uploaded...