Source: Princeton University Name: Princeton Global Forcings Period: Jan-1948 - Dec-2016 Times: 3-hourly, daily, monthly Coverage: Global Resolution: 0.25-degree, 0.5-degree, 1.0-degree Grid: Latitude-longitude Type: Observational-Reanalysis hybrid Related Sites: Publications: Sheffield, J., G. Goteti, and E. F. Wood, Development of a 50-yr high-resolution global dataset of meteorological forcings for land surface modeling, J. Climate, 19 (13), 3088-3111. Variables: Precipitation (prcp) Air temperature at 2m above ground (tas) Downward longwave at surface (dlwrf) Downward shortwave at surface (dswrf) Surface pressure (pres) Specific humidity (shum) Windspeed (wind) Formats: NetCDF History: Original data version 1 (V1) and updates (V2, V2.2, V3) Volume: 3hourly: 1.0deg: 722 - 724 MB/year/variable; daily: 90 MB/year/variable; monthly: 3 MB/year/variable 0.5deg: 0.5-2.0 GB/year/variable; daily: 0.1-0.3 GB/year/variable; monthly: 0.001 GB/year/variable 0.25deg: 5-8 GB/year/variable; daily: 0.5-1.0 GB/year/variable; monthly: 0.01 GB/year/variable Date Created: Mon Sep 11 14:37:43 EDT 2006 Change Log: 18) Tue Jan 20 17:45:11 EST 2015 Very low (or zero) values of DTR in the CRU dataset, especially over central Europe in a few years, resulted in missing values in the daily Tmin and Tmax. DTR was set to a minimum value and all 3-hourly, daily and monthly Tas, Tmin, Tmax and Shum files have been updated. Monthly files for all variables recalculated. 17) Mon Jul 13 20:12:00 EDT 2012 Dataset updated to 2010 using CRU TS3.1 monthly precipitation, temperature and DTR up to 2009 and merged with Willmott for 20120. *** For 1.0-degree resolution version only *** 16) Tue Jul 3 12:50:38 EDT 2012 Errors in temperature values for Dec2005 and 2007 over the Himalaya region have been corrected. The corresponding shum files have been updated. 15) Fri Mar 4 00:00:00 EST 2011 Spuriously high values of dswrf, shum and tas have been corrected. The high dswrf values were mainly over high elevations. The spurious shum and tas values were due to very high DTR values in the CRU dataset, especially over Greenland that have been corrected by blending with more robust neighbouring values. 14) Wed Jun 16 16:02:50 EDT 2010 Files for pres, tas, shum, wind for 1948-2006 updated because of corrections to long-term trends and consistency among variables 13) Fri Apr 2 00:00:00 EDT 2010 Full dataset extended from 1948-2006 to 1948-2008 by merging with Willmott precipitation and temperature data, and updated SRB radiation. 12) Mon Oct 12 13:23:37 EDT 2009 Downward longwave values (dlwrf) before 1984 were sometimes unrealistically low and even negative. This has been corrected and all 3hourly, daily and monthly dlwrf files have been updated 11) Fri Jun 12 12:40:53 EDT 2009 Unrealistic downward shortwave values (dswrf) over parts of the Amazon and other isolated points have been corrected. All 3hourly, daily and monthly dswrf files have been updated. 10) Mon Jun 1 10:24:49 EDT 2009 Complete update of the dataset (all files updated), including: i) extension to 2006; ii) improved sampling procedure for correction of rain day statistics; iii) use of latest versions of CRU (TS3.0), SRB (V3.0) and TRMM products; iv) improved consistency between specific and relative humidity and air temperature. 9) Mon Aug 11 16:31:01 EDT 2008 The algorithm for downscaling specific humidity was inconsistent with the downscaled relative humidity. This resulted in some unrealistic values (RH >> 100%). This has been corrected and all shum_3hourly* files have been updated. 8) Fri Jul 25 17:12:20 EDT 2008 Daily data files for 2001-2006 (prcp, tmin, tmax, wind) have been added. These data are experimental are are likely to change. The data have been masked over land areas and gzip compressed. Other variables (tas, dlwrf, dswrf, pres, shum) will be added soon. 7) Tue Feb 26 15:31:49 EST 2008 The dswrf and dlwrf files were scaled incorrectly resulting in no inter-annual variability. This has been corrected in all dswrf_3hourly* and dlwrf_3hourly* files. 6) Wed Nov 14 16:20:08 EST 2007 The precipitation values in all prcp_daily*.nc files had the wrong units and are therefore three times too small for the units given in the metadata (mm/s). Also, the data are the version without corrections for gauge undercatch version, although the metadata says that they are undercatch corrected. These two errors have been corrected and the data in ALL prcp_daily*.nc now have the correct units and are corrected for gauge undercatch. 5) Fri May 18 13:55:41 EDT 2007 The time variable in had some strange values, which have been corrected: time(1213) has value: 66878.9 time(1216) has value: 66559.87 time(1248) has value: 66340.7 time(1284) has value: 66091.77 4) Thu Nov 16 11:38:09 EST 2006 A few unrealistically low and high air temperature values occurred over Greenland. These have been corrected and all tas_3hourly* files have been updated. 3) Wed Nov 15 12:15:58 EST 2006 Some physically unrealistic and spurious downward shortwave values were generated when scaling to match the SRB monthly values, especially at high latitudes during winter. These have been corrected in all dswrf_3hourly* files. 2) Mon Nov 13 14:08:42 EST 2006 A second version of the precipitation dataset has been added which is not corrected for gauge undercatch. The file name prefix is "prcp_nuc" (No Undercatch Correction). 1) Wed Nov 8 11:25:54 EST 2006 A formatting error caused missing data in the air temperature file for 1949 (, record 274). The file was corrected.