Source: Princeton University Name: Princeton Global Forcings V2 (March 2014) Period: Jan-1901 - Dec-2012 Times: 3-hourly, daily, monthly Coverage: Global Resolution: 1.0-degree, 0.5-degree Grid: Latitude-longitude Type: Observational-Reanalysis hybrid Related Sites: Publications: Sheffield, J., G. Goteti, and E. F. Wood, Development of a 50-yr high-resolution global dataset of meteorological forcings for land surface modeling, J. Climate, 19 (13), 3088-3111. Timestamp: All data are averages over the timestep, starting at the timestamp of the record (e.g. 3-hourly precipitation at 0hr is the average precipitation from 0-3hr) Variables: Precipitation (prcp) [kg m-2 s-1] equivalent to [mm/s] Air temperature at 2m above ground (tas) [K] Downward longwave at surface (dlwrf) [W m-2] Downward shortwave at surface (dswrf) [W m-2] Surface pressure (pres) [Pa] Specific humidity (shum) [kg kg-1] Windspeed (wind) [m s-1] Formats: NetCDF V4 compressed History: Original data Volume: 1.0deg 3hourly: 722 - 724 MB/year/variable; daily: 90 MB/year/variable; monthly: 3 MB/year/variable 0.5deg 3hourly: 1.7 - 2.1 GB/year/variable; daily: 90 - 280 MB/year/variable; monthly: 12 MB/year/variable Date Created: Mar 24 2014 Change Log: 4) 8 Feb 2015 Some of the 0.5-deg daily files (1914, 1919, 1923) had a few missing temperature related values (tas, shum, tmax, tmin) because of the DTR problem (Oct 2014). All 0.5-deg (3-hourly, daily, monthly) files for tas, shum , tmax, tmin files for 1901-1947 were updated. 3) 15 June 2015 Large inconsistencies (up to a few K) were found in the monthly 0.5deg tas data when compared to the CRU monthly data, which are used for scaling the 3-hourly and daily data. This problem also affected files for shum, tmax and tmin. The scripts were re-run for 1901-1947 and the problem fixed. All files for 0.5deg (3-hourly, daily, monthly) for tas, shum, tmax, tmin files for 1901-1947 were updated. 2) 15 Oct 2014 Very low (or zero) values of DTR in the CRU dataset, especially over central Europe in a few years, resulted in missing values in the daily Tmin and Tmax. DTR was set to a minimum value and all 3-hourly, daily and monthly Tas, Tmin, Tmax and Shum files have been updated. Monthly files for all variables recalculated. 1) Mar 24 2014 Version 2 of the PGF created and uploaded to website. This version extends the original version (V1) to 1901-2012, and includes improvements to the downscaling and bias-correction methods, and updated versions of the monthly observational datasets.